dreamself - past

Past . . . . Present . . . . Email . . . .Notes

2003-08-26 - busy bee, busy bee, i'm a busy bee
2003-08-21 - My Future FAME
2003-08-14 - What a party!!
2003-08-13 - dreams of siberia, and bear attacks
2003-08-08 - Maybe what I need is some sweet lovin'
2003-07-29 - fourth of july, new house, new job, leon and friends
2003-06-30 - Japan-a-ME
2003-06-17 - If you are in JAPAN: I LOVE YOU
2003-06-13 - speeding toward the global future and my DREAM House!
2003-06-06 - Annual Existential Crisis, and blooming Jacarandas
2003-06-02 - A trip to canada and new insight to dream #14

Sept-Dec 2003
Summer 2003
Spring 2003
Winter 2002-2003
Fall 2002
Summer 2002
Spring 2002
Winter 2001-2002
Fall 2001
Summer 2001
Spring 2001
Winter 2000-2001
Fall 2000
Summer 2000
Spring 2000