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2001-03-05 - 02:18:59

The craziest thing happened today . . . well, maybe not THE craziest, but still, it was very exciting and surreal . . .

Today me and Yun were out driving around. I was feeling down because this is my last week in town and it seems like nobody gives a shit (Forreal - I bought pizza for all my employees on my team at work yesterday and out of 15 people only 2 said thank you - like they don�t even care! Grrr - well, at least i know from that that i�m making the right decision about moving - I mean, why stay someplace you�re not appreciated, right? Its only a job to them and i�m only their boss and that�s just how it is)

Anyway - we decided to drive past my old apartments, the ones I had lived in with Larissa and moved out of in October. Well, it turns out they�ve finished remodeling them and there was an open house today so we stopped in to look at them --- And Lo! And Behold! Of all the apartments in the complex the one and only apartment that is their central showcase apartment happened to be the exact one we were living in !

So yun and I go in and the place is totally redone! They put in the fanciest appliances and put in all new cabinets and refinished the hardwood floors and redid the walls and they even changed the layout to where there is no closet in the living room anymore and the closet in the �master� bedroom (larissa�s ) is double in size and there is a new laundry closet with a washer and dryer . . .And of course the thing is all furnished in the most ostentatious designer way with big magnolia flower arrangements and furniture and wall coverings out of dark red and green - It was like stepping into a miniture apartment version of Ryan�s parents� house!

The craziest part about the whole thing is that it was MY place - They�ev turned the place into condos selling for 170,000 dollars!! And I used to pay 785 a month with a roomate!! We were touring MY old place with a sales guy and it was so crazy showing him all the parts of the place that were MINE - Like, my old closet had this little secret place, a hole in the wall at the bottom where you could see the pipes that went to the apartment below and I used to stash my bong in there! Now the closet is all spiffy and new . . And I cracked the pane in the window once with my fist and cut my hand all up and the window pane has since been replaced . . it was so strange visiting the place again and soo cool too - seeing where I used to be and thinking that the new people who buy this place will never understand all the vibes and all the parties and all the personal energy of mine that went into that place . . . It was like someone took over my life and made it YUPPIE. CRAZY!!!

After that Yun and I went to the bar. I�ve been feeling all depressed lately because of course I�m leaving the place where I�ve spent my young adulthood - the place where I feel that I grew up. And nobody but me cares . . . But I just couldn�t be down around Yun because she cracks my shit up. Like tonight she was talking about her last semester as a senior in college before she graduates and she called it � One long constipated shit� and then she went on to talk about how she misses her boyfriend and she just laid it all out and said that she couldn�t wait for him to get to town because �I just need to get EATEN OUT girl!!�

Oh Yun . . . I love you

So the bartender gave us both a free shot, a red snapper (bartenders always seem to give me and my girls free shots, we just have a way with men and with bartenders, what can I say!) and we toasted to WOO

WOO was the name of my dorm in college with Larissa - it is the name for Woman Space and for Women Making it On Their Own and for Girlfriends and for all things Women can be without relying on anyone else but Ourselves - So we toasted to WOO and Life Is Good

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