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2001-10-22 - 5:52 p.m.

My interview with the peace corps went well-- now its just a matter of getting the paperwork done . . . I'm still 2 months worth of paperwork away from knowing for sure where I might be going, and if the debt I owe for my student loans might disqualify me-- eek, the suspense is killing me!

Had a date last night with a guy from a band that I met at the Sugar Refinery on saturday night. The guy, named "Swifty" is quite qood looking, and a songwriter -- his favorites are Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan so we got along well -- I took him up to the top of the moutain to see the view of the city and we drank tequila and smoked cigarettes and laughed -- and I was especially glad because I was so totally myself. Normally on dates I'm nervous and awkward and too eager -- but last night I was weaving my magic beautifully, I was comfortable in my skin - maybe because the boy was from Manitoba and so that didn't set me up to be impressed by him, or maybe because I'd been writing all afternoon before my date and writing puts me totally into myself -- but for whatever reason I was lovely and I felt right last night.

Still, homeboy didn't even make a move to kiss me the whole night??? what was he thinking? does he have a girlfriend back home, or was he waiting for me to make a move on him? whatever the reason, he missed out . . .

The band has one more night in town, so I'm going to see them play again tonight. I really do dig their music, i would go see them again anyway even if I hadn't spent yesterday with him. I'm on the guest list tonight, and that feels so good. The only other time I've ever been on a guest list of any kind was when Pauly Vegas had his Boy George performance at the Metro lo those many years ago -- It always feels cool to be on the guest list.

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