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2007-06-08 - 8:54 a.m.

Dean and I are moving in just over a week! Eek! I'm getting really excited now! We haven't even begun to pack, I'm waiting until after our friends visit this weekend (Aaron & Cassie & Jocelyn are coming over to watch the final episode of the Sopranos with us! Yay!) Starting Monday, the race to get packed and move begins!

Meanwhile . . .

I'm overwhelmed sometimes by my love for Dean. I wish I knew more ways to show it. I would love for us to make love more often, and Dean seems to be always in the mood, but I am so tired after I get home from work and we have dinner, I often just don't have the energy to get frisky. Don't get me wrong, we get together frequently, and when we do it's always hot hot hot, but I would like it if I could initiate more, to show Dean how attracted I am to him. The nice thing about being together as long as we have, though, is that we are very in sync and understanding with and responsive to each other. I really treasure Dean. I can't imagine having such a tender relationship with anyone else in the world.

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