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2000-07-06 - 18:34:12

I spent last night with Larissa and Jim and Leslie out drinking at the Northside Tavern. (Northside tavern is a little dive of a blues club with a lower-middle class white clientelle --There are pool tables, a back deck with picnic tables, and the main room is dark and smokey with a little stage and paintings of all the blues legends framed on the wall) And Leslie got drunk but didn't make a scene! yay! I gotta give it up for my home girl, she was great last night - very well behaved indeed. And Larissa was as beautiful as ever - I do think we all grow more beautiful every week -

We heard a little blues band called Mudcat - The leader is a mad cool guitarist and the music was some down home on the (mushroom) farm delta blues - and we were again glad that we spend our nights going out with friends and having good times rather than watching people on tv do it (I've never regretted selling my television)- and as we listened to Mudcat and his harmonica player and his washboard & spoon rythym section, we came to realize that we are living in the midst of a true depression here in America and so few people seem to be getting the soul food they need . . .

And the harmonica player - wow. He had a whole case of beautiful harmonicas - and he was wailin on them. He was young, just my age and he plays the harmonica in 3 different bands. Wow - if he is that good at playing the harmonica, it makes you wonder what else he could do with that mouth! I got his number so I could take harmonica lessons - I was really inspired (and smitten!)

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