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2000-07-13 - 17:37:44

I started a new job yesterday, as a supervisor! Yep. Me - a supervisor. In charge of people. Hiring. Firing. I really dig being off the phones, and I know I won't mind keeping this job for the rest of the year. Its just funny thinking of myself as the bosswoman. It's actually kind of a big deal around here, they don't hire supervisors very often and there's nowhere to be promoted in the department higher than this -- so I've gained the respect of my co-workers (its been nice that most people have come up to me and told me how much they thought I really deserved this promotion.)

My only difficulty with this is learning how to "act my age" and learn how to act in this new role - how to act as an equal to other supervisors and take the lead among my co-workers, rather than acting nervous/shy/inferior to them. I have plenty of confidence that I can do the job, I just need to work on how to be a leader rather than a follower.

Its really harder than you think when you realize that for the last 24 years of my life I have been systematically trained to be a follower, to listen to and report to others rather than to lead. From kindergarden through college there were parents and teachers who tell you to do as you're told and instill in you behaviour to behave according to the system and respect authority --Than on jobs you report to supervisors/managers to whom you have to report and act according to their instruction -- But suddenly I'm the one in "authority" and its a bizarre adjustment.

no more time to write, I'm at work.

Sidenote: All our cubicles have numbers from 1-200. The number of my new supervisor cube: 69. That makes it The Love Cube.

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