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2001-10-17 - 10:48 a.m.

Going to come back and add another entry little later today . . . About what I love about Vancouver. Because I know my time here is short, and I want to remember it for how beautiful it really is . . .

Had the most beautiful morning -- woke up downtown at a friend's house and drove her to work - then went driving through the city for a couple of hours. Saw mansions with huge gated lawns that I'd never seen. Drove through the park the way I used to when Jim lived here, and saw the changing leaves. Smelled the clean wet air with a hint of salt. Looked at the mountains and at the new skyscrapers and all the people at every crosswalk dressed so sharp and warm and felt a part of the city skyline. I'm not the kind of person who generally just goes driving for pleasure, so it was out of the ordinary for me -- a special treat. I was in a great mood. I love Vancouver, i really believe its the most beautiful city in the world.

(The second I come home I remembered why I'm restless to leave such a beautiful city.. My Dad is around the house. As he is every day. He's a psychologist wth his office just down the street so he only really works 10-15 hours a week. He's so generous and kind to me -- but I still just can't stand having someone around ALL THE TIME. Someone who has such invested opinions on what I do with my time. Someone who keeps the television on all the time. There's nothing wrong with Dad. But still, HE DRIVES ME CRAZY. I must live on my own again ASAP! )

I've been working on the diary today. Trying to go back through and change names so its not searchable by google anymore (something I should have done months ago). Once I take out the personal names, then its ok for me to put up my picture -- so I did a little revamping of the look of this page and had fun doing it. What do you think?

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