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2002-10-31 - 11:10 a.m.


I am dissappointed at the lack of interest and spunk in my co-workers, and grown-ups in general with respect to Halloween. Where I work, which is a COMMUNITY CENTER where the PUBLIC comes in and out daily, not a single person prepared for Halloween! No decorations, NOTHING.

There is supposed to be a Halloween Festival for the kids here between 4 and 7 today, and we've known about this for weeks, and the person who organized it got outside agencies to come in and host different parts of it. So I asked him if in his budget for the festival, there was going to be any candy to give out to the million kids who come through our office each day. He said NO!??

Yesterday, the day before Halloween there were still no decorations or candy. So I took it upon myself to buy candy for all the kids, and decorations -- AND I bought a fabulous costume, yellow butterfly wings and glitter! (the mascot of our organization is a yellow buttefly - it's on our logo and everything)Today, no one dressed up but me!

But there is PLENTY of CANDY!!! And I look FABULOUS. So it's all good. I've saved Halloween! Hooray!

Ahhh, if I only had a nickle for everytime I've had to do that - I'd be rich!!

Meanwhile . . . Tonight I am meeting up with La and Jim and going out on the town with them. They live just off Hollywood Blvd, and it turns out they're closing off the whole street and having a fantastic parade there tonight!!! I love Hollywood!!

I'm missing Dean like crazy. I haven't seen him since before my trip to Romania, and he wasn't able to meet me here in LA this week. So I get a vacation day for Veteran's day, and I'm driving up to see him next weekend. He's been calling me every morning, telling me how much he loves me, how beautiful I am, wishing me a wonderful day -- he's amazing. I look forward to the day I hope will come when us being together, and sleepign together, and going to the movies together, and everything else is the "norm" instead of this strange leftover normality I have without him.

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