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2003-08-26 - 8:32 p.m.


I'm the neighborhood/city regional coordinator for the campaign to elect Arianna Huffington for Governer. I didn't really mean to have this job at all! I went to ONE volunteer meeting and raised my hand and BOOM! it was me! So I'm trying to live up to the charge -- the election is on October 7, anyway, so it's not like it will be for very long. Plus, I love Arianna! I got to meet her this weekend at a street festival and she hugged me! She smelled very nice.

I'm also trying to make some money to pay back La's parents for our apartment -- I didn't realize how absolutely goddamn broke I was until just this week! And DAMN I'm broke! So I'm doing double time updating the website of my old job, because they agreed to pay me as a consultant $17 dollars an hour to do it . . . Except, cuz they're a non-profit, I'm really working more than I'm charging them for. I'm shaving off time here and there, just because I'm really slow at editting code . . .

And it's SUMMER. And that means double the time going to the beach! I went this weekend with La and Leslie and it was one of the nicest days I've ever spent at a beach. We boogie boarded and the waves for gentle, so I didn't get pulled under at all! I feel so Californian when I boogie board.

I've been tired alot the last couple of weeks, too . . . not enough sleep I guess, or maybe it's another side effect of the first month of birth control pills. I have barely hung out on my porch at night lately, almost never, I've been too sleepy . . .

My Dad's coming to visit this month! And my Mom next month! I'm so happy!

There is definitely a push in my life to be even busier getting myself ready for them to come. I'm trying to get an appointment to talk to the head of the grad school program, i've got to get a haircut and dye my hair, i've got to quit smoking, clean my room, get my car serviced, plan some activities, and just generally take care of loose ends and get my life in order. When they ask me questions about my life I want to seem like I'm on top of it all, like I'm all grown up. I don't want to be like, "yeah, i know, i'll do it, i promise, i've just been procrastinating at it." Allthough in the end, I probably will procrastinate at some of these things. I'm a real champ at procrastinating.

LaLaLa there's more to life than this, and more to my life than this, i promise you! no time to write today, however . . .

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