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2003-09-19 - 1:56 p.m.

It's been an adjustment, living with the new knowledge of my friend. I still don't know for sure if it's true or not. All this week she was such a pleasure, I doubted her diagnosis. Then this morning we had a little run-in.

Did she deliberately neglect to carry out a promise, or did she honestly forget? Was this a sign of her condition or no problem at all?

I don't know if it's the new knowledge, or just my own maturation, but I didn't let it get to me this morning. I had a flash of frustration, I let if flow through me, and then I honestly let it go and had a good morning. In the old days, this kind of thing would have bothered me all day - so I feel good about our interaction, whatever the reason, things are getting more and more positive between us.

UPDATE: She just called me to go over the plans we discussed at length 2 nights ago, last night, this morning before work, this morning on the phone from work, and by e-mail, AGAIN. Why doesn't she trust me to take care of things? I can, in fact, walk and chew gum at the same time. Controlling, much?

I guess I'm not as cool about this as I'd like to be after all.

Maybe diaryland is not the forum for this discussion. I would hate for someone who knows us to stumble across this. It's time to take the diary underground.

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