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2005-03-11 - 12:36 a.m.

Sometimes I feel very un-accomplished. I tend to procrastinate - then I feel bad for doing so.

I have to remind myself of things I have accomplished, goals I have actually met, remind myself that it takes time to reach one's goals.

This year I have:

1) Quit Smoking - Woo Hoo!
2) Visited Mt Shasta
3) Loved Dean a lot
4) Written 1 short story
5) hosted visitors on 4 weekends
6) accompanied Dean in retrieving his car from San Diego for 1 weekend
7) recovered from being fired, worked part-time at the comic store enough to pay my bills

Things I intend to do before summer:
1) Finish project with J-bot!! Highest priority!!
2) begin Orphan novel
3) my taxes
4) make proto-type meditation art pieces
5) get another part-time job (hopefully higher paying!!)
6) research starting an online business
7) research sacred geometry
8) crop circle painting
9) begin habits of meditation, baqua, guitar & violin practicing - Weekly at first is fine.
10) lay out in the sun weekly to prepare for Tahiti. Ask Miriam to join me.

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