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2005-04-15 - 3:03 a.m.

We just got back this morning at 6 A.M. from a visit with Dean's family in Oceanside, CA. Dean's family are just THE BEST. They are the best kind of people; humorous, generous, hard-working,and loving. I am continually touched by how they totally include me in their family, as if I was their daughter.

On Tuesday Dean and I went with his mom to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. His mother reserved spaces for us on the extended caravan ride through the simulated African terrain, where we got to feed Giraffes and Rhinos! We were definitely up close and personal -A couple of giraffes even tried to lick the red flower on my jacket! It was such an amazing experience to interact with animals so large and incredible, animals whose existence is so different from our own, but whose behavior shows so much evidence of personality. It was one of the happiest days of my life, easily one of the most memorable!

The day after Dean and I woke up after his parents had left the house, and we started getting it on when things went a bit awry and we lost the mood - It wasn't a big deal, but I could have been more sensitive to his feelings so I apologized afterwards, but then it was over and I didn't think about it again. We have such good chemistry with each other that I knew we'd have great sex again the next time around. We went on to have a good day, going to the comic stores in Oceanside, visiting with his family, and then starting our road-trip home. When we stopped for dinner at a truck stop on Dean brought up the subject of what had happened in the morning, explaining a little more and passionately telling me how sexy I am. I just had to write about it here because I was so touched - even when it would have been fine to let it drop - Dean went out of his way to talk to me about it and reassure me of my sexiness - It was just the most thoughtful thing for him to do, and it made me feel so wanted and loved. I feel so lucky to be with Dean!

On the drive home we listened to Coast to Coast A.M. with George Noory - the special guest was Steven Quayle, the man who is keeping track of the microbiologists who are turning up dead, and who has well-researched the New World Order. The show was mind-opening, as usual, and I was completely impressed by the way he tied together so many loose ends I have had in my own investigations. He said (on the air! This man is fearless!) that our government is fucking with the magnetic forces of our planet (which is actually not new news to me, as I have read before about HAARP and the government's electromagnetic experiments in Alaska and New Mexico and in the oceans) and that this is weakening the walls between dimensions, creating openings in our dimension for other entities to enter!!!! This was his explanation for the dramatic increase in sightings of supernatural beings in recent years, and may explain the global increase in evil. It just totally rocked my world that he mentioned this because I have been reading so much about magnetic forces on the planet ever since our trip to Mt. Shasta -- including energy vortexes on the planet, the magnetic field around our bodies, and polar shifting theories. And Steven Quayle mentioned all of this electromagnetic experimenting our government is doing as being deliberate, and having negative effects on our planet, and also totally supernatural consequences!

Truth really is stranger than fiction. Our planet is quirkier to me than anything I read in comic books.

Speaking of comics, they're totally rocking my world these days. Thanks to Dean and to Grant Morrison, I have discovered Zatanna, a beautiful dark haired woman and former member of the Justice League of America who has a carrer as a stage magician/illusionist, but practices real magic to fight on the side of good. She is my new favorite superhero!!! I fear I have become a bit obsessed, as I have decided to take up learning stage magic in hopes of starting a career as a magician. I have been into comics for a couple of years now, since I read the Invisibles, but for the first time I know what it is like to have a favorite superhero! Yay Zatanna!!

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