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2002-04-03 - 7:23 p.m.

I know I'm onto something. That major writing is coming soon. Because of how little I have to actually write in here -- because of how clear my head is -- because of how little weight there is on me and how zoned my mind is. Zoned is a good thing, its where you want to be when you write. You don't want to be all distracted hyper and wonky. You want to be fluid zoned and zen like.

Meanwhile, Jim2 never called. He didn't say he would. He doesn't owe me that. We never dated. I'm not into him or anything. But the fact that we had sex twice -- well, it doesn't mean that there should be a responsibilty involved, it just means that an "i care about you as a person" call is in order. We don't even have to talk about what happened. I hope we don't. But I guess I just expected a call a week or so later along the lines of hey whassup, had a good time on Saturday, are you coming out again this weekend? or something like that. But he didn't call. And he didn't come out with us. And now its been 3 weeks.

He's a loser dude. Goddamn he's funny. But he gave me the shaft. He should have called. Loser.

I haven't quite gotten up the gumption to do the things on my to do list -- like call Saturn about buying my car, or sending my short story away to magazines, or doing my taxes, or finding a new apartment. I guess I'm waiting for the weekend. Jim and La will be out of town and I'll finally do them and the satisfaction of having these things done will drive me wild with joy. Until then I'm taking it easy.

I haven't been dreaming the last couple of weeks. What's up with that?

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