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2002-12-06 - 4:02 p.m.

I've been having really tangible dreams lately - the kind that are grounded in this world, not my dreamscape. It's a strange change of pace to have dreams set in this reality. They've all been really good dreams, full of prosperity and fertility, birth and wealth. I hope they are symbolic of fortuitousness in the new year!

While I was in Vancouver I had a dream that Dean and I were living together - I don't remember if we were roomates or married or what but we were a couple. We were sitting outside on the picnic table out front of our white apartment building, when our neighbor approached us. Our neighbor was in his mid 30s and looked kind of scruffy. He asked me about my goals and dreams and I told him about being a writer and wanting to travel and teach, and wanting to go to grad school. What's stopping you? he asked me, and I answered that I was saving up but it would be 5 years before I could go. The neighbor left and returned later that day or the next day with 2 checks for me for 5,000 dollars each. One for a scholarship towards tuition and one towards living expenses. It turned out he was a rich man, living modestly, so he could afford to do favors for people. In my dream I was not only overjoyed, but committed to going through with school because someone had paid my way.

I have never had a dream where money was involved at all ever, and certainly not where I was given money. What a great feeling I had when I woke up, like the dream was telling me not to worry about money because if you are committed to working to make your dreams come true money will come to you!! I feel myself drawing prosperity to me in the coming year, I am ready to work now towards success, and I am hopeful that it will actually happen for me.

Twice in the last week I have had dreams involving babies, I can't remember them well. One of them before I found out one of my best friends is pregnant, and the other after. In the dream last night another one of my friends, Marisol, had a baby, and then the dream time warped and I got to be there while the baby grew into a young child. As the hours pass I can't remember any more of my dream, but I remember it was very satisfying, and it wasn't exactly about a baby so much as what a baby symbolizes -- perhaps the birth of something new in my life in the coming year. So I'm very optomistic.

I'm leaving any second to go to Santa Cruz with Jim and La - they're on their way to San Fran to visit a grad school for Jim and we're staying the weekend with Dean. I'm so excited -- ROAD TRIP! And I love it that my friends are friends! My worlds are dovetailing nicely.

Jim is finally graduating school next week, and the premier of his first independent film will be held at a private home in the hollywood hills next Saturday night. Dreams do come true! I can't even believe it sometimes that we made it this far.

Hooray for Hollywood!

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