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2003-01-29 - 5:12 p.m.

Does life ever seem like one big joke, with a thousand small puns and punchlines delivered in small doses daily and weekly? That's how it seems to me.

I just recently got a work ethic and have been doing a killer job at work. This has been going on since Christmas (allthough I was always a decent worker before)

Today my boss chews me out for being a slacker! HAHAHA. This makes me laugh because I have been working my butt off, but I expected her to have this conversation with me last year -- and ever since I've REALLY been working, that's when she thinks I'm slacking! haha

Laughing is all I can really do about it. Because I can't admit that some 40 year old spinster administrator's opinion of me can actually hurt my feelings.

Anyway, no more AIM at work for me. Which means no more contact with Dean during the weekdays. And which also means that the one tiny little perk of my job is now gone. Now there's nothing standing between me and the compulsion to find a new job.

If I get a great new job, I guess I will need to thank my current little boss. For giving me the incentive to quit here and get a new one. Because if she'd been just a little bit nicer, I could have tolerated this job and kept it just for the raise and the self-satisfaction of working for a non-profit. But she's pushed me over my limit. Now it's time to GzO!

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