dreamself - past

Past . . . . Present . . . . Email . . . .Notes

2002-11-25 - Radio Revelations, God and LOVE
2002-11-22 - sand dunes, deadlines, and a palm reading
2002-11-20 - I'm tired of WAR
2002-11-18 - These are a few of my favorite things
2002-11-14 - My To Do List
2002-11-14 - watching my life build and the stars fall
2002-11-04 - shots fired at my work
2002-11-02 - Butterfly, Bird Queen and a MIRACLE
2002-11-02 - i feel boring
2002-10-31 - I saved Halloween!
2002-10-25 - bad dream, starring rosie and andrew
2002-10-23 - In Romania!
2002-09-12 - My life in L.A: driving and coffeeshops
2002-09-13 - My life in L.A.

Sept-Dec 2003
Summer 2003
Spring 2003
Winter 2002-2003
Fall 2002
Summer 2002
Spring 2002
Winter 2001-2002
Fall 2001
Summer 2001
Spring 2001
Winter 2000-2001
Fall 2000
Summer 2000
Spring 2000